Dominic He

When he’s signed off from his engineering day job, Dominic moonlights as a hobbyist pianist and gaming nerd. After taking a decade-long break from childhood piano practice, it was his curiosity and passion for video game soundtracks (and inspiration from last year’s Somnus Quintet concert) that drove his return to piano as a leisure pursuit.

Dominic makes his arranger debut in this concert with “Future Awaits”, from the Future Redeemed DLC for Xenoblade Chronicles 3. This ending theme song serves tribute to the entire series of Xenoblade games, loved by fans for combining massive scenic worlds, meme-able characters and robots with a story that explores complex philosophical questions. Free will, the meaning of existence, and moving forward with hope against the odds are all themes touched upon by the games, and they are woven deep into the lyrics of this song. The flute, a key item in Xenoblade 3’s world, leads the bridge between the vocal sections and heightens the song’s intensity and emotion towards its climax.

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